Edinburgh Big Weekend

Edinburgh University Orienteering Club

Saturday 26th January, 2008

Sunday 27th January, 2008

Edinburgh Street Race

South of Scotland League
East of Scotland Championships

 WinSplits Online  Splitsbrowser  RouteGadget


 WinSplits Online  Splitsbrowser  RouteGadget

Note on results.
Results and Splits above have been corrected for the voided leg. (see below). Winsplits and Routegadget will not be changed. All the DSQ in the results come from that leg 21-22.
For interest, times at the finish for all runners are available here.


Note on results
The clock in unit 139 on Yellow, Orange, Red and Light green was effected by moisture getting in. To calculate your correct split time for the leg up to that subtract 1:48:11 from the time in the tables

City Race Controller's Report

It is a privilege to be involved at the start in an event which will surely now run and run.  How we've gone forty years without noticing the potential of central Edinburgh for orienteering is a mystery.

Firstly, congratulations to EUOC, and James in particular, for organising often under very stressful circumstances, negotiating access to various areas and squaring permissions with many different groups.  Also, to Oleg, who planned the excellent courses you all enjoyed virtually straight off, much of it without a map.  With the final version of the map available only a day before the printing deadline, this was a tremendous effort. Mark Nixon 's map was obviously worth waiting for and several of you have commented on how accurate and sharp it was - a valuable resource.  Final special thanks to Robin Strain for once again doing a fine job on the SportIdent.

Two unfortunate issues occurred on the day.

Firstly, a gate was locked for a short period during the middle of the race.  This blocked a possible route through the university. A number of people lost significant amounts of time, while the leg had little effect on the positions of unaffected runners. Taking the view that people would not wish to benefit from their opponents being locked behind bars, we have removed this leg from the results

Secondly, on 21-22, many people ran straight down the Royal Mile across South Bridge, which we had declared out of bounds, it being a busy crossroads. Having emphasized this both in the final details and the start lane, as well as on the map, there is no alternative but to disqualify those who either admitted crossing the main road, or whose splits make it clear that they did.  We have listed your time in the results, so you can see how you did, and how you got on against the other transgressors.

It is clear that the correct map marking - out of bounds stripes with no boundary, line between controls broken but not bent to allow choice of crossing ? is still confusing.  Whether the guidelines can be improved, or we just have to wait until people have more experience of this type of event and know what to look for.

If anyone has been wrongly DQed, (or not DQed) please let me know. 
Graeme Ackland

Organiser's Report

After months of pre planning the weekend was over in a flash really! From my point of view, there were a few minor problems, but we managed to overcome most of them and pull off what I hoped was a good weekend of orienteering for everyone.

There are many people that need thanking for their part in the weekend. 

Edinburgh City Council, Historic Scotland, the Holyrood Park Manager, Edinburgh University Buildings Department, The Scottish Parliament and Lothian and Borders Police for allowing us to put on the race and their help along the way.
Dynamic Earth for the use of their toilets.
ESOC for the use of their T bars, kites and club tent.
The Six Day Co for the use of the SI equipment.
STAG for the use of their wire loops to secure controls.
Edinburgh University Geology Department via Roger Scrutton for the use of their generator.
Graeme Ackland and Bill Stevenson for their excellent controlling.
Sheila and Robin Strain for all the help with computing and beyond.
All of EUOC who did so much work to make the event happen!

See you all back in Edinburgh for Burns weekend 2009!
James Tullie

More comments and links to photos are on the EUOC Legends Big Weekend  site.


 League points and  list of new 2007 Champions will be on the web site of
East of Scotland Orienteering Association   

last edited 29/01/2008 23:00
Results processing by Robin Strain