
These notes have been written to explain how to use SPORTident hardware and software, with particular emphasis on the procedures used in Scotland.



SI basics

Overview of SI system.

SI cards

The different SIcards in use.

SI units

The SI units.

SI master stations

What they do and how to connect them.

SI units and plates

Photographs of units and fittings for stakes.

SI Config Plus instructions

How to use the software for managing units.

SI Config Read backup memory

...  and to read out the data stored in a unit. OUT OF DATE

SI TimeMaster unit

How to use the special unit to manage the time and memory of other stations revised 1/15 and 7/22

SI Units synchronising

How to make sure that the clocks in every unit is at the same time

SI Units clearing

Why it is important to remove old data from units and how to do it

SI networking basics

Network settings and advice.

SI Database settings

The initial settings for AutoDownload on SOA computers.

Course and Classes

How to decide if your event should uses "classes".

Entry of the day

Description of a form for use at event for capturing EOD information.


An editable version of the form.

Competitor Archives

How to obtain and use lists of runners and SI-cards to speed up registration and download.

SI card allocation

Notes to help with the allocation of hire cards.

SiTiming versions

An explanation of the method specifying the options and of dealing with revisions.

Remote sensing and AutoDownload

Instructions for the use of cables and radios to collect data from controls.

SI Online Results

Setting up a local WiFi for publishing results at assembly


Poster for display at Assembly explaining how to access wifi results

Using SI Air

Some advice on coping with SPORTident contactless punching New 6/15



Using SI_130412

A more comprehensive set of notes which were written before the above and which include some of what has been written as separate instructions.



Other Info

These are links to useful documents on other web sites

User Guide

From SPORTident UK, a comprehensive guide to using SiTiming.

SPORTident guides
incl Organiser's guides

From SPORTident Germany, the manufactureres and developers.

BOF Electronic Punching Rules

Appendix I of the BOF rules covers the use of SPORTident.

Tips for Controllers

On the BOF website there is a guide for controllers who need to know a bit about SPORTident, but not all the details of how to do things. Worth a read.